January 17, 2010

Safety Awareness & Violence Prevention

The power of instinct will protect you from harm all through your days.
Lao Tsu
Chinese Philosopher 570-490 BC

The Women's Center is offering a Violence Prevention Night for women who are interested in becoming more aware of choices before becoming a victim of violence. The class is interactive and fun. Using scanning and observation skills with the inner voice of instinct and intuition, we will explore the process of awareness in our surrounding from the first niggle of the gut response "this is not right" begins to the end when we know we are safe. There are many choices early that give us many options to respond thereby avoiding unsafe encounters in the first place. To walk away is the greatest choice there is.

Date: February 4
Time: 6:00-8:00
Place: The Women's Center

Acupressure, Autumn, and Menopause

In our forties we become the elders to our youth;
In our fifties we become the youth to our elders.

Menopause is the time of internal enlightenment; the autumn harvest within. This is the a final opportunity for sorting, what is wonderful and useful to our life, while eliminating and cleansing what has not worked or is no longer useful anymore. As we look to the season for guidance, it's easy to see that the autumn flowers that bloom are warm, vital, and vibrant while being a little more tolerant, a little more resilient, and a little tougher to the harshness of the elements. Menopause is for creating this vital transition.

Date: February 3rd
Time: 6:00-8:00
Place: North Island Survivors Healing Society
Call: 250 287-3325 to register.

January 5, 2010

Belly Dance Inspired Fitness Classes Begin on Quadra

New This Year! Belly Dance Fitness will begin at the Quadra Island Community Centre. These series of classes will run every Monday & Friday for 6 weeks starting Monday, January 11th from 9:30 – 10:30 am and Friday, January 15th from 4:00 - 5:00 pm. Enjoy dance moves inspired by Oriental Dance to increase tone, flexibility, strength, range of motion, balance and self confidence for a great beginning to the New Year.

Classes are on a drop in basis and will be running for 6 weeks. Please call for further information.
Classes are on a drop in basis. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Jeannie (250) 285-3505